Headrush is a musically accomplished piece of work that can insistently demand your attention...
- Tom Ryan, American Hit Network follow this link for the full review
Thank you, Booda Velvets. Thank you for giving me what I crave - some take-no-shit, shove-TRL-up-your-ass music that I can feel, crave and move to.
- CE Pelc, FM Sound follow this link for the full review
"In a day when modern rock has become trite and painfully unoriginal, forcing
listeners to depend on acts like U2 and Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Booda
Velvets make claim to their own niche with their newest release, "Headrush.""
Kenneth Paul, The Pitt News
Fusing heavy rock with galactic dreamscapes generates an alternative formula for universal appeal. The (Booda) Velvets achieve this effortlessly.
- Rebecca Marks, The Daily Orange
The members of the Booda Velvets may be in their late 20's, but make no mistake, they are still, wide-eyed rock 'n rollers."
- Michael Lipton, Charleston Daily Mail
"Headrush" continues the Booda Velvets' tradition of showcasing Cromie's strong vocals against lush melodies and anthemic choruses; the band has favorably been compared to U2 in the past, and with good reason."
- Jim Testa, The Jersey Journal
"Trying to decide which of the tracks is the best if just too difficult."
- Carlton Fletcher, The Albany Herald review of "Headrush"
"It ("Headrush") is one of the best albums of the year on any label."
- Carlton Fletcher, The Albany Herald
"Indie Good!"
- NeoHippy.net
Local downtown rock quartet the Booda Velvets have been quietly attracting larger audiences to their lively live shows. Come see what the fuss is all about.
- Time Out New York
First thing's first: In my opinion, this band was the best act of this year's [North by NorthEast] festival. They rocked the Rivoli with ceaseless energy, unmatched talent and intellectual lyrics, winning themselves a room full of fans on their first-ever trip to Canada. If they don't get some serious attention, something's wrong.
- ChartAttack.com follow this link for the full review
As one of the hottest bands of New York City The Booda Velvets are a must see! They are a band to watch, selling out their self title debut album.
- RealNetRadio.com
This band [The Booda Velvets] brings you a very hard driving, Modern Rock song with screaming guitars and passionate singing.
- Mp3.com Artist Spotlight with Featured Song of the Day "Cassius Clay"
Their all too rare combination of musical talent and the ability to infuse their songs with powerful dynamics and melody makes The Booda Velvets one of the best new bands Ive heard in a long time, and their self-titled CD an unequivocal success.
- Mike Fortier, The Foster's Daily Democrat
As always at the Wilmington Exchange Festival, it was out of the fat and into the fire ... Everybody got nice and sweaty dancing ... which left me a little nervous about The Booda Velvets ... Not to worry. The guys came out firing on all cylinders and had the W.E. Festers in the palm of their hands from the first song, as Dan Cromie's golden Irish tenor wailed through the band's most aggressive polychromatic rockers.
- Jim Testa, The Jersey Beat
The last band to play [at the Wilmington Exchange Festival] was New York Citys Booda Velvets, who were perhaps the most straight forward rock band to play the entire event. Dont let that detract you, however, as The Booda Velvets laid down some serious rawk that was power packed and highly melodious. Stinging riffs, dramatic songwriting and cool vocals really worked the already drained crowd and ended the show with some real rock n roll power.
- Eric Walls, Faze 3 Magazine
Spontaneous, comical, and a real appreciation for the aesthetics rock n roll produces, genres this hot new band who hails themselves as The Booda Velvets! Their self-titled, debut album musically illustrates the bands love for creative composition. Dan Cromie, Jonathan Yang, Jamie Balling, and Adam Wolfe Lerner translate themselves as lively, sharp, and lax-a-dazey blue-collars in person. On stage, they exhibit the characteristics and crackerjack of a dexterous young group. Comparative big names show The Booda Velvets no justice! Composing, living, and orchestrating in a niche of their own is going to press this young band to the crown!
- Joe Louf (DJ H2H), WRBB 104.9FM Boston
Squeeze was one of the headliners [at the Guinness Fleadh Festival], on a bill that included Irish performers and others, including a local band, called The Booda Velvets, making its festival debut.
- Rebecca Spitz, NY 1 News
New York band The Booda Velvets share their "epic" sound with hosts Mike and Melissa. Think Rush meets Tommy-era Who. Particularly appealing is singer Dan Cromie's amazing set of vocal pipes.
- J'Open Mike
The Booda Velvets, a New York City-based modern rock band, have won the Guinness Fleadh Battle of the Bands. More than 150 bands from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut participated in the competition. The Booda Velvets will participate in this year's Guinness Fleadh Festival, playing at Downing Stadium on Randalls Island on Saturday, June 13, at approximately 3 p.m. Other acts participating in the festival include: Sinead O'Connor, Tracy Chapman, The Chieftains, Chumbawumba and Patti Smith.
- Irish Echo follow this link for the full story
The drummer is excellent, the bass player is excellent, the guitarist is excellent and their singer, well, you get the idea. The set was very together and many times, set the audience up for a shock during more powerful moments. Strong songs give [The Booda Velvets] live performance everything it should be.
- Chris Rocco, INDIE Magazine